Tracking Ida
Tracking Ida is an educational alternate reality game (ARG) inspired by the pioneering investigative journalism of Ida B. Wells in the 1890s. Players uncover Ida B. Wells’ crusade against lynching and use her strategies to investigate police and vigilante killings today. Along the way, they solve puzzles, decode messages through a phonograph, role-play as investigative journalists, and interview members of their community.
- 2017 Best Gameplay at Games for Change in New York, NY
- 2017 Impact Award at the Independent Games Festival (Indicade) in Los Angeles, CA
- 2019 SAAM Arcade @ Smithsonian American Art Museum in Washington, DC
- 2017 Finalist Exhibit @ Independent Games Festival (Indiecade) in Los Angeles, CA
- 2019 Arcade @ Museums and the Web in Boston, MA
- 2017 Finalist Exhibit @ Games for Change in New York, NY
- 2017 Group Exhibition @ Tokyo University of the Arts Museum in Tokyo Japan
- 2017 Electronic Entertainmetn Expo (E3) in Los Angeles, CA
- Lead & Creative Director: Lishan AZ
- Producers: Tonia Beglari, Allison Comrie, & Emilia Yang
- Historical Consultant & Writer: Jasmin Young
- Art Director: Marton Robinson
- Artist & Game Designer: Lynn Scerbak, Yiwen Dai, & Amy Huang
- UX Researcher: Gabriela Gomes
- Writer: Morgan Collins

See selected past game projects here.